Research Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E)
Hager Development Group’s RDT&E program supports work at universities, research institutes, research and development laboratories, private firms, and at governmental test and evaluation facilities. We provide support and expertise in basic research, applied research, advanced technology development, demonstration and validation, engineering manufacturing development, management support, and operational systems development. Hager Development Group supports a wide range of activities; from basic research in science and engineering to the full scale development of specific weapons systems. Aligned with Hager Development Group, we ensure our clients maintain the technological advantage. Our RDT&E capabilities and expert support provides solutions to common issues including maintaining a healthy science and technology (S&T) investment, accelerating the transition of new technology from the laboratory to the field, the downsizing of the DoD’s RDT&E infrastructure, and integration with the commercial sector.
Health and Human Services
From the development of a new lifesaving technology or finding a new cure for an infectious disease, to helping our nation prepare for next public health emergency, HAGER Development Group stands ready to support. HAGER Development Group has developed strategies and processes to not only focus on new technologies, techniques, and procedures, but to enhance and upgrade current systems by improving their accuracy, speed, or efficiency.